Competitions and Clinics

The Manitoba Provincial Rifle Association invites you to join us at our new Shooting Sport Performance Centre for a 2-day Air Rifle/Pistol Event. All courses of fire on SIUS Ascor Scoring Systems. Match dates are October 24th and 25th 2015.

Further information on this match is available HERE

This match meets the requirements for a SFC Cut Score match.

Event Date 10-24-2015 8:00 am
Event End Date 10-25-2015 6:00 pm

The Calgary Rifle and Pistol Club is once again hosting the Western Canadian Airgun Championships on October 2nd to 4th 2015.

Match information, schedule and registration information can be found HERE

Match results are posted as an attached file to this event.

Event Date 10-02-2015 5:00 pm
Event End Date 10-04-2015 6:00 pm
Attachment 2015WCJAGC-MatchResults.pdf

Results are in the attached file for these championships.

Event Date 08-29-2015 8:00 am
Event End Date 08-30-2015 4:00 pm
Attachment nra-2015.pdf

Results for these championships are in the attached file.

Event Date 08-21-2015 8:00 am
Event End Date 08-27-2015 6:00 pm
Attachment results-2015.pdf

Who we are!

Easy to start

We are a group of sports enthusiasts whose interest is in all facets of pistol shooting.

What we do!

Modern Design

Promote the sport of pistol shooting by providing information about events, clinics and competitions for interested people.

Our mandate!

Modern Design

Encourage people of all age, race and abilities to participate in the sport of pistol shooting.